

Date Category Time Event Note Add to calendar
Tue 1st Mixed Greens Maintenance
Gents Competition 08:30 EGGS v Hallamshire (re-arranged match)
Gents Competition 10:30 Men's Fiddle
Wed 2nd Ladies Competition Committee - Given Day
Thu 3rd Gents Competition 10:30 Men's Fiddle
Fri 4th
Sat 5th Gents Competition Captain V Vice Captain
Sun 6th Gents Competition Fourball
Visiting Party 10:30 Grenoside VP
Mon 7th Ladies Competition 10:00 Ladies Fiddle
Tue 8th Gents Competition 08:30 EGGS
Gents Competition 10:30 Men's Fiddle
Wed 9th Ladies Competition Stableford + 9 Holes
Thu 10th Gents Competition Mid-Week Medal 2023 Winner O J Smith 62—3=65
Fri 11th
Sat 12th Mixed Texas Scramble Minimum 4 Drivers - 1 Must be on a Par 3
Sun 13th Gents Competition Names in the Hat (8:30am Draw)
Visiting Party 11:00 C Parramore VP
Mon 14th Mixed 08:30 EGGS V Ladies
Visiting Party 11:00 Yorkshire Ladies Past Captains
Tue 15th Gents Competition 08:30 EGGS
Gents Competition 10:30 Men's Fiddle
Wed 16th Ladies Competition Medal + 9 Hole
Thu 17th Gents Competition 10:30 Men's Fiddle
Fri 18th Visiting Party 10:10 Fire Society
Sat 19th Mixed Children in Need 4BBB Stableford
Sun 20th Mixed Individual Stableford
Mon 21st Visiting Party 10:00 Beauchief Seniors
Ladies Competition 10:30 Ladies Fiddle
Tue 22nd Gents Competition 08:30 EGGS
Gents Competition 10:30 Men's Fiddle
Wed 23rd Ladies Competition Greensomes for the Blind
Thu 24th Gents Competition Mid-Week Stableford 2023 Winner M Weatherall 36pts (20 CH)
Fri 25th Gents Competition 10:30 Men's Fiddle
Sat 26th Mixed Reverse Waltz 3,2,1 in 3's
Sun 27th Visiting Party 11:00 Renishaw Miners VP
Mon 28th Ladies Competition 10:00 Ladies Fiddle
Tue 29th Gents Competition 09:00 EGGS
Gents Competition 10:30 Men's Fiddle
Wed 30th Ladies Competition Stableford + 9 Holes
Thu 31st Gents Competition 10:30 Men's Fiddle