
Seniors Open - June 2024

Seniors Open Results - June 2024

  1. McGibbon & Swarovski     44pts - £75v/c
  2. C Boulton & G Culverwell 42pts - £65v/c
  3. C Crocker & P Shieff        42pts - £60v/c
  4. C Thompson & R Wright  41pts - £55v/c
  5. N Presswood & G Fell      41pts - £50v/c
  6. S Ashton & S Corner       40pts - £45v/c
  7. S Eley & B Hadfield          40pts - £40v/c
  8. T Goss & M Robinson        40pts - £35v/c
  9. S Hamlet & I Thompson    40pts - £30v/c
  10. D Roberts & R Goodall      39pts -£25v/c

Vouchers will retained at the club and are valid for 12 months

All prize winners must present ID to collect their vouchers